Daniel’s Table News

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Tom!

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Tom!

Oct 6, 2021

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” ~Winston Churchill

The programs of Daniel’s Table are only possible because of the dedication of our Volunteers. We are indebted to your service. YOU TOO can make a difference! Volunteer today!

Meet our Volunteer of the Month:  Tom Thomas has been a dedicated Volunteer with Daniel’s Table for well over a year!  As you can see, Tom brings lightness to otherwise heavy work!  Tom always comes to DT with a smile on his face and he’s always ready to work. And work he does.  Tom does anything and everything we ask of him.  Despite being pallet jack challenged, he’s constantly unloading, moving, stacking, packing and doesn’t mind the cold freezer!.  Not to mention he lends his accounting prowess to us anytime we ask!  Tom’s birthday is in October.  Unlike that bottle of wine he’s holding, he doesn’t seem to age.  Thank you Tom (and Anne for lending him to us so often).  We would NOT be the Daniel’s Table we are today without your constant help.  You rock the kazbah!


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